The 2023 Horseshoe has been found by a 2 person team in the new Dundas Dog Park, at the start of the East River Trail on Everett and 1st Street. Congrats to Mark Glor and Bev Eiler!! They win the full $2075.
Mark and Bev told me they’ve hunted every single year since 1999. This is their first win. The excitement showed! Mark and Bev work together at Sheldahl and hunt together. I could feel years of anticipation and hope showing itself as Mark held the 3D-printed horseshoe that they get to keep this year. The old antique horseshoe will be back next year.
I always need to pick a story to deliver the clues through. That’s part of my “clue writing” process. It’s always hard for me to find a vehicle to use for the wordplay, patter, and poem-like clue structure. Well, this year I used a story that I’ve always been fascinated with for years. That is, this whole bit of drama that played out in 1948 prior to their festival when they sought out this man who was rumored to be Jesse James, alive and well at age 101. His name was J. Frank Dalton and he was an imposter during most of his senior years, claiming to be the real Jesse James, hiding out from the law and living under a different name for most of his life. When Jesse was exhumed in 1995, it was confirmed with DNA testing that the real Jesse was the one shot in his home in 1882.
My clues all hinge on Bill Schilling’s staunch stance on not bringing this Dalton fraud to town. Especially when Dalton wouldn’t do it unless he got paid.
In 1948 did people come from all over to possibly see Jesse James in Northfield, back for the first time in 72 years? Was DJJD launched on the rumor that the most famous (infamous) outlaw in US history would come back to the town that destroyed his thieving career?
To know exactly what I’m talking about, you need to read up on this little bit of Northfield history. Here’s the story in the Northfield News from they year 2000. Maggie Lee wrote about this many times over the years. Here she explains it very well.
Maggie Lee “Do You Remember?” 09/06/2000
In the middle of the planning, word reached Northfield that Jesse James was still alive at the age of 101 in Lawton, Okla. Of course, he was supposed to have been killed in his home at St. Joseph, Mo., just a few years after the Northfield raid, but this fellow and his manager claimed that he had been living all these years under the name of J. Frank Dalton.
Wow. Producing Jesse James on Bridge Square would certainly attract attention. People would come from far and wide to see him even for a price. There was much discussion, but an invitation was sent to Dalton at the end of May. The letter stated, “The Rice County attorney has assured us that he has no legal interest in your case and that you will face no jeopardy in this visit.”
Columnist Bill Schilling – once editor of the Newspaper had a fit, calling Dalton “the reconstructed Jesse.” He warned of fraud.
Meanwhile, the argument about whether to even have a Jesse James Day was still important, famous author Stewart Holbrook visited Northfield. He said that Northfield had no real need of Jesse James, having two famous colleges, “but you’ve got Jesse James, whether you want him or not. So why not use him?”
Lee Howk, on behalf of Dalton, accepted the Northfield invitation, promising that Jesse would behave this time. It soon became evident that he would have to behave as he would be arriving on a stretcher. Schilling penned, “Drop the synthetic hunk in the Cannon River, a lesson to the younger generation that crime does not pay.” Schilling also strongly advised against in any way honoring Jesse James and urged that those who routed him from Northfield be honored instead.
Susan Hvistendahl also wrote of this tale in her 2014 column “(Defeat of) Jesse James Days” in The Entertainment Guide. She includes a photo of Bill Schilling riding a float in the 1948 parade with a coffin and the words “You Can’t Buffalo Bill”. This is a great article on Defeat Days.
Dundas City Admin talked about the new park last March on KYMN.
Clue #1.
Writing. The only 2 words of importance were “Chase” and “Tale” (tail) giving an early indication of a dog park. It’s also setting up the “Schilling” story.
Clue #2.
We introduce Dalton. “Once thought dead” – Groveland Cemetery. The first 4 lines are addressing the “Schilling” story. The last 4 lines reference that split in the road on 1st Street (or is it Everette) to allow bikes to use the road.
Clue #3.
Post is for the Poles at the new dog park.
“Brand New” eyes is the new park.
“Changed” is changing the dog park
“Set things” new poles set.
Clue #4.
There are 7 words in this clue that are “clues”.
Line 1. “He” is Bill Schilling. “Shill” is referring to him.
Line 2. Now, the use of “Northfield” is unique in this sense. North “street” would intersect the dog park if extended and is a block away. The shoe is in a field NORTH of the new dog park.
Line 4. Use of “Tale” again (Tail).
Line 6. “Shift” refers to the shift/relocation of the dog park in Dundas. You could also think of bike riding on that ERT and shifting your bike gears.
Line 8. “New” is the new dog park. “Trail” is confirmed. That it’s near a trail.
Clue #5.
Line 1. Bill Schillings “ink” (stories). FENCE. Chain link. New. Lots of it.
Line 2. “Relocated”. From Schilling Park to the new spot.
Line 3. (Dog) Park would soon be found.
Line 4. Confirms to look on the ground.
Line 5. (Dog) tails.
Line 6. Trails Begin. The ERT starts there. Bold is “Boulder”. It was behind a big rock boulder.
Line 7. God is a palindrome of Dog.
Line 8. Hiding South (Dundas).
Thanks so much to all the hunters this year!! It was so much fun for me and hopefully for those hard-working hunters!!
Enjoy the 75th Anniversary this week. If you’re a townie, go see a raid UP CLOSE. Get on the metal bleachers and watch the town fight back.
Thanks again!!
Tim Freeland. Hunt Chairman.